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The Yoni4Me Company was created through my own personal journey. I have a very sensitive vagina just like many of us, so I do my best to take amazing care of her. I went through a season of BV almost monthly, after my cycle ended. As you can image and probably empathize, I was so frustrated and over it! Of course, I followed protocol taking antibiotics for BV and those antibiotics would give me a yeast infection so then I would start taking medicine for that. I was so embarrassed, and I felt dirty. I knew things had to change in order for me to have different results.

ย I started with removing everything scented including pads, tampons, scented soaps and all the store products that were suppos3de to be for balance because all they did was cause an imbalance.ย  Around this time, I was introduced to yoni steaming by a friend of mine and I was so intrigued. It was mind-blowing to me that I was twenty something years oldย  just hearing about this ancient practice! Why isnโ€™t this talked about?

Steaming offers so many health benefits that I was missing out on. I absolutely love it. I love the cleanliness I feel during and after a steam session. I love that there are no chemicals that I need to be cautious of because its 100% natural and I love how relaxed I am after my steam.

I started steaming over 5 years ago and it was the best decision for me. I have not experienced chronic yeast infections or BV. My periods are regular and not so heavy. I do not experience much cramping or become bloated. Steaming has been one of the best decisions I have made for my body and because of that I had to share all this goodness with all my beautiful ladies.

ย Benefits of steaming

Yoni steaming is a holistic health practice with many benefits whether you are just wanting a cleanse after having a baby or want to relieve some built up anxiety or stress. ย Yoni steaming has a little something for all woman and there are so many different concoctions of herbs that can be used based on your desired results. Listed below are a just a few benefits of steaming.

  • Promotes healing, reduces anxiety, regulates period.
  • Helps get rid of fibroids
  • natural cleanse after giving birth including vaginal or c-section
  • Promotes energy and released stored emotions
  • Heals sexual trauma
  • Helps restore PH Balance
  • Regulates period, reduces cramps and heavy bleeding.
  • Eases discomfort of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse and endometriosis and helps with insomnia
  • Prevents growth of bacteria and yeast
  • Promotes wound healing, detoxifies, and removes toxins
  • Treats chronic vaginal/ yeast infections and works to maintain healthy odor